Fact-check Feed

Daily Public Ledger masthead, 1898: The Truth
Daily Public Ledger masthead, 1898

The Fact-check Feed site has been aggregating articles from a dozen U.S. fact-checkers since 2016, into a searchable archive. Here are the most recent:

Visit the Fact-check Feed (external site) for tens of thousands more articles, by (mainly U.S.) fact-checkers.

Most common words in titles from the past two weeks of fact-checks (197):

2024 2025 angeles attack being california carter china claim claims disease does doesn't donald elon evidence facebook fact-checking fake fire here's hollywood image instagram isn't it's january jimmy los media meta musk new orleans our over people photo posts president say show shows sign social state states threads trump trump's u.s. us video viral wildfires year

Most-used words in recent fact-check titles. Links go to a Fact-check Feed search (of titles and article text).