Iffy.news in the news

Articles, research tools and papers, and health/media guides which use Iffy.news resources.

Research papers, tools, and guides that use Iffy resources.

Research papers

  1. Identifying and characterizing superspreaders of low-credibility content on Twitter (2024-05)
  2. Analysis and Detection of “Pink Slime” Websites in Social Media Posts (2024-05)
  3. Time-Dynamics of (Mis)Information Spread on Social Networks: A COVID-19 Case Study (2024-02)
  4. Perceived experts are prevalent and influential within an antivaccine community on Twitter (2024-02)
  5. Machine-Made Media: Monitoring the Mobilization of Machine-Generated Articles on Misinformation and Mainstream News Websites (2024-01)
  6. Facebook Post Credibility as a Predictor of Vaccine Hesitancy in the US (2024-01)
  7. Low credibility URL sharing on Twitter during reporting linking rare blood clots with the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine (2024-01)
  8. Analyzing the Spread of Misinformation on Social Networks: A Process and Software Architecture for Detection and Analysis (2023-11)
  9. Susceptibility to Unreliable Information Sources: Swift Adoption with Minimal Exposure (2023-11)
  10. Quantifying the Impact of Misinformation and Vaccine-Skeptical Content on Facebook (2023-10 preprint)
  11. The efficacy of Facebook’s vaccine misinformation policies and architecture during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023-09)
  12. Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm and the 2020 US Election (2023-09)
  13. High level of correspondence across different news domain quality rating sets (2023-09)
  14. Specious Sites: Tracking the Spread and Sway of Spurious News Stories at Scale (2023-08)
  15. The role and influence of perceived experts in an anti-vaccine misinformation community (2023-08)
  16. CoVaxNet: An Online-Offline Data Repository for COVID-19 Vaccine Research (2023-07)
  17. Auditing Algorithmic Communication Flows (2023-06)
  18. MisinfoMe: A Tool for Longitudinal Assessment of Twitter Accounts’ Sharing of Misinformation (2023-06)
  19. Machine-Made Media: Monitoring the Mobilization of Machine-Generated Articles on Misinformation and Mainstream News Websites (2023-05)
  20. aedFaCT: Scientific Fact-Checking Made Easier via Semi-Automatic Discovery of Relevant Expert Opinions (2023-05)
  21. Large language models can rate news outlet credibility (2023-04)
  22. Introducing Arbiter: Auditing the Spread of News in Online Information Ecosystems (2023-04)
  23. Catch Me if You Can: On the Detection of Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior on Social Media and Its Limits (2023-03 preprint)
  24. Turning Wikimedia into a news-site credibility tool (2023-03)
  25. One Year of COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation on Twitter: Longitudinal Study (2023-02)
  26. A Golden Age: Conspiracy Theories’ Relationship with Misinformation Outlets, News Media, and the Wider Internet (2023-01)
  27. Sub-Standards and Mal-Practices: Misinformation’s Role in Insular, Polarized, and Toxic Interactions (2023-01)
  28. High level of agreement across different news domain quality ratings (2022-12 preprint)
  29. Propaganda and Misinformation on Facebook and Twitter during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2022-12)
  30. Measuring exposure to misinformation from political elites on Twitter (2022-11)
  31. The Belt and Road Initiative on Twitter: An annotated dataset (2022-11)
  32. Social media behavior is associated with vaccine hesitancy (2022-09)
  33. Emergent Technologies and Extremists: The DWeb as a New Internet Reality? (2022-08)
  34. Identification and characterization of misinformation superspreaders on social media (2022-07 preprint)
  35. CoVaxNet: An Online-Offline Data Repository for COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Research (2022-06)
  36. Measuring the effect of Facebook’s downranking interventions against groups and websites that repeatedly share misinformation (2022-06)
  37. Harnessing Web Archives to Tackle Selected Societal Challenges (2022-06)
  38. Monitoring User Opinions and Side Effects on COVID-19 Vaccines in the Twittersphere: Infodemiology Study of Tweets (2022-05)
  39. Facebook’s Architecture Undermines Vaccine Misinformation Removal Efforts (2022-04)
  40. Virality Project: Memes, Magnets, and Microchips: Narrative dynamics around COVID-19 vaccines (2022-02)
  41. Evaluating the Efficacy of Facebook’s Vaccine Misinformation Content Removal Policies (2022-02)
  42. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy on Social Media: Building a Public Twitter Dataset of Anti-vaccine Content, Vaccine Misinformation and Conspiracies (2021-11)
  43. Falsehood in, falsehood out: Measuring exposure to elite misinformation on Twitter (2021-09)
  44. Services for measuring and tracking perception and behaviour towards misinformation, European Commission/Co-Inform (2021-08)
  45. The Polarized Web of the Voter Fraud Claims in the 2020 US Presidential Election (2021-05)
  46. The impact of online misinformation on U.S. COVID-19vaccinations (2021-04)
  47. The Manufacture of Partisan Echo Chambers by Follow Train Abuse on Twitter (2021-03)
  48. CoVaxxy: A global collection of English-language Twitter posts about COVID-19 vaccines (2021-02)
  49. Encounters with Visual Misinformation and Labels Across Platforms: An Interview and Diary Study to Inform Ecosystem Approaches to Misinformation Interventions (2020-12)

Misinfo tools

  1. Civic Tech Field Guide: Sharing knowledge and productively growing the field.
  2. CoVaxxy: Visualize the relationship between COVID-19 vaccine adoption and online (mis)information, Observatory on Social Media.
  3. DeepSee: Identify and avoid high-risk publishers at scale (monitors 20M sites).
  4. Ebiquity: Create responsible media investments by defunding disinformation.
  5. Have I Shared Fake News?: List the hyperpartisan/low-quality and fake news shared by any Twitter handle, along with the political slant.
  6. Hoaxy: Visualize the spread of claims and fact checking, Observatory on Social Media.
  7. Misinfo.me: Assess the credibility of your information source.
  8. Reliable Brexit News:  Find & share reliable news on #brexit and the UK’s relationship with the #EU.
  9. Top FIBers: Top ten superspreaders of low-credibility information on Twitter and Facebook, Observatory on Social Media.
  10. Wikicred / Arbiter: Auditing the Spread of News in Online Information Ecosystems
  11. Wikicred / Wikipedia Source Controversiality Metrics : Generate and assess actionable metrics for source controversiality in Wikipedia.

Health/Media guides

  1. Covering Coronavirus (newsletter), National Press Club: Journalism Institute
  2. Health Resources: Misinformation and Hoaxes, Michigan State University Libraries
  3. Interventions, Countering Disinformation
  4. Journalist Field Guide: Navigating Climate Misinformation, Climate Action Against Disinformation
  5. Journalist’s Toolbox: Copy Editing, Society of Professional Journalists
  6. Journalist’s Toolbox: Fact-Checking the Virus, Society of Professional Journalists
  7. Lesson plan: How to spot ‘pink slime’ journalism, PBS NewsHour: Classroom
  8. Tools to Spot Fakery, Fighting Fake

Journalism/Misinfo articles

  1. From “iffy” news to “spiffy” sources: Creating a comprehensive list of credible news sources, MisinfoCon (2024-02)
  2. Is there “pink slime” in your local news?, Atlantic Civic Circle (2024-02)
  3. Top FIBers dashboard tracks superspreaders of low-credibility information online, News at IU (2023-05)
  4. No, l’esercito russo non ha distrutto nessun bunker della NATO a Kiev, Zeta Luiss (2023-03)
  5. Turning Wikimedia into a news-site credibility tool, MisinfoCon (2023-03)
  6. Donald Trump’s Disgraced Campaign Manager Seems to Have a New Gig: Pushing Big Oil’s ‘Pink Slime’, Gizmodo (2022-09)
  7. Don’t link directly to misinformation sites, Reynolds Journalism Institute (2022-02)
  8. Kargo’s “no fake news” guarantee is fake news, Check My Ads (2021-08)
  9. Research shows mainstream media helps funds fake news, MisinfoCon (2021-03)
  10. Factually newsletter, IFCN/Poynter (2021-03)
  11. The promise of Wikidata: How journalists can use the crowdsourced open knowledge base as a data source, by Monika Sengul-Jones DataJournalism.com (2021-02)
  12. How to become a ‘harmless linker’ in three easy steps, Reynolds Journalism Institute (2021-02)
  13. WikiCred, Wikimedia, and Iffy.news, MisinfoCon (2021-01)
  14. WikiCred Projects, WikiCred (2020-10)
  15. Your State’s Been Pink-Slimed, MediaWell (2020-09)
  16. How Iffy.news Uses Open-source Datasets to Auto-detect Unreliable Sources, MisinfoCon (2020-09)
  17. Iffy.news: An index of unreliable sources, Reynolds Journalism Institute (2020-07)
Articles about Iffy.news